Salt Spray test chamber standard ASTM B117 pdf download

This test is conducted to produce relative corrosion resistance of metals and coatings with Salt spray chamber

ASTM B117 is not itself a test specification; rather the standard practices for performing corrosion tests are outlined by this according to the international ASTM standard.

ASTM B117 is a test standard for operating a salt spray test uniquely and efficiently. This standard specifies the creation and maintains the salt fog test environment for achieving constant test results. 

Remember, anything about test dimensions, specimen exposure period and shape is not specified by ASTM B117 test standard.

Use of ASTM B117

This test standard is used in different industries across the world including,

Moreover, the type of test specimens to be used and the criteria for evaluating test results are required for specifying the products being exposed.

Test parameters for ASTM B117

The following parameters are set for running the proper ASTM B117 salt spray test.

3” X 6” (Typical for flat specimens. 3D samples can also be tested
