Salt Spray test chamber standard ISO 9227 pdf download 

The corrosion test in an artificial atmosphere is termed as ISO 9227 test standard. This test standard is useful for detecting pores, discontinuities and damages in organic as well as inorganic coatings. Also, it is very useful for assessing the corrosion resistance of metallic materials.

Test methods.

In the test standard of ISO 9227, there are three methods of testing named as a neutral salt spray chamber (NSS), copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray(CASS) and acetic acid salt spray(AASS). 

NSS test is applied to the metals. It is applied on conversion coatings, metallic coatings and organic coatings. On the other hand, CASS and AASS test methods are useful for decorative coatings made up of metals, chromium and nickel. They can also be used for testing anodic coatings on aluminium.

Evaluation of results by ISO 9227

The neutral salt spray test in ISO 9227 is equivalent to ASTM B117. In both test standards, the same conditions of the test are used. But the main thing that is important to consider is maintaining the position of specimens during testing. The position of the specimens should be 15 to 25 degrees for ISO 9227 and 15 to 30 degrees for ASTM B117. 

However, the positions of the specimens can be changed according to the test. According to the study, the orientation of the sample has no significant impact on the rate of corrosion
